Student Diaries- Niamh Bridges

Student Diaries- Niamh Bridges

My name is Niamh Bridges, and I am a third year Speech and Language Therapy student in UCC.
Being a student during the pandemic has come with its challenges but I have seen some benefits as well!
Speech and Language Therapy is an extremely rewarding course in which we gain insight into the acquisition of language, speech, and where breakdowns may occur in communication across the lifespan. This course has given my invaluable skills and helped me develop my own communication and interpersonal skills. The thing I love the most about being a Speech and Language Therapy student is the variety, every client is different and a holistic approach much be taken. My passion is creating more awareness around communication disorders and differences and working on creating a more accessible society for our clients.
I would recommend that any student who has the opportunity should join the IASLT. I have met
some fantastic STLT’s and SLT’s to be! Working together to create a conference online was extremely rewarding and because it was online there was a larger audience!