The Standing Committees below have oversight over specific subcommittees. Each standing committee is chaired by a member of the Board of Directors.
The AGM and Conference Standing Committee (ACSC) is a standing committee of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT). ACSC is responsible for:
The Finance and Risk Standing Committee (FRSC) on behalf of the Board, is responsible for advising on and overseeing the following, but not limited to all matters of finance including budgeting and financial planning, monitoring internal financial controls, contracting and tendering, risk management, IT infrastructure and membership administration. It will have delegated powers up to approved limits to commit expenditure, invest assets and approve policies, and makes recommendations to the Board for other matters as set out by the Board from time to time.
The PSSC has overall responsibility for the setting of and maintaining professional standards for Speech and Language Therapists including those pertaining to the education of future SLTs and the on-going professional development for all SLTs to maintain their competence. Working in conjunction with a wide range of stakeholders, it aims to improve the quality and safety of speech and language therapy practice through the development of these national standards and guidance. The role also includes the development of position statements on current or future health policy. The PSSC has oversight of the work of the following committees:
The Communications Standing Committee will lead on the development of a Communications Policy and the overseeing of its implementation in the areas of publications, website, public relations and advocacy. It aims to ensure efficient and effective communication within IASLT and with external stakeholders. The CSC also ensures that the concerns of members are raised in relevant forums. The CSC will co-ordinate the work of the following Committees:
The role of the Nominations Committee is to advise the Board on who should be appointed to initial membership or to fill vacancies in membership on the Board and any Standing Committees, Committees, Working Groups, or nominees to external positions which might arise from time to time, and for which an election process is not set out in the Constitution or Schedule 1 of IASLT.