Statement: Caseload Management and Productivity in Speech and Language Therapy.


As Speech and Language Therapists we are accountable for the services we provide, including our productivity, activity and caseloads. As part of clinical governance, Speech and Language Therapist Managers are accountable for performance, productivity and ensuring safe service delivery. This role also includes supporting staff to appropriately manage their caseload. 

Productivity, activity levels and caseload sizes are nuanced and are impacted by a number of factors. As part of clinical governance, the SLT manager role includes consideration of these factors when allocating and monitoring caseloads. 

Factors to consider include: 

  • Skill mix within the service
  • Level of experience of specific staff members 
  • Complexity of cases/ Level of acuity
  • Supervision and staff development requirements
  • Service intensity required by the individual service user
  • Direct services to service users
  • Indirect services required to support service users
  • Staffing levels
  • Administrative support

IASLT does not recommend a specific activity level or caseload number for a number of reasons:

  • To date, there is no research to support a specific caseload size or number of appointments per day.
  • The needs of people receiving speech-language services vary greatly, and a specific caseload number does not take into account this variation. 
  • Across the country, there is significant variation in service pathways, administrative support and client demographics. As a result, there is no specific number that can be provided that will reflect this variation 

Any metrics and key performance indicators for Speech and Language Therapy must be considered in light of the nuanced nature of caseload management. IASLT continues to advocate for a comprehensive workforce plan to support adequate staffing levels of the appropriate grades in the Speech and Language Therapy profession.

PDF version of statement is available here: