Functional Assessment of Capacity for the purposes of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015

Functional Assessment of Capacity for the purposes of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015

The HSE National Office for Human Rights and Equality Policy and the Decision Support Service are pleased to announce the launch of an online learning programme on the Functional Assessment of Capacity for the purposes of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 (herein known as the 2015 Act).

This online learning programme has been developed for healthcare professionals who will be completing statements of capacity under Part 4 (Co-Decision-Making), Part 5 (Decision-Making Representation Orders) and Part 7 (Enduring Powers of Attorney) of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015. The training will be available to registered medical practitioners, registered nurses, registered midwives, registered speech and language therapists, registered occupational therapists and registered social workers and will equip them to undertake a functional assessment of capacity and supply the relevant statement as required under the 2015 Act.

The training provides an overview of:

  • The guiding principles of the 2015 Act.
  • When a statement of capacity is required in relation to a co-decision-making agreement, an enduring power of attorney and a decision-making representation order.
  • Conducting a functional assessment of capacity in relation to a co-decision-making agreement, an enduring power of attorney and a decision-making representation order.
  • Recording the results of a functional assessment of capacity undertaken in relation to a required statement for a co-decision-making agreement, an enduring power of attorney and a decision-making representation order.
  • Making a statement to support and application to the Decision Support Service of capacity in relation to a co-decision-making agreement and enduring power of attorney.
  • The role of the Court in relation to applications for decision-making representation orders.

The training includes recorded sessions from subject matter experts and includes role plays. Additional resources are also signposted in the training.

Information about how to access and register for the online training is attached. You do not need to complete the training all in one sitting.

The training was developed with support from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Please contact if you have any queries in relation to the training.

Accessing the Training Course

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