A one-hour live webinar. Recording will be available ONLY to those who register for the event
The webinar will introduce delegates to:
Coaching is a conversational clinical approach which complements existing therapeutic strategies and programmes. Therefore, the approach can easily be implemented by therapists in their next therapy session for tangible, rewarding results for their clients.
Speaker Bio:
Elena Loraine
Founder of TheSpeechie., BMedSci, MRes, NIHR Fellow (2018), Churchill Fellow (2017)
Elena Loraine is a speech and language therapist and clinical academic. She has trained speech and language therapy teams across England within the National Health Service (NHS) and SLT University students in POCA, a practical and evidence-based coaching approach. Elena researched a federal funded early intervention model in her Churchill Travelling Fellowship to the USA in 2017 where she was first introduced to the use of ‘coaching’. She then further designed and developed a coaching training programme in her National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded research project. Elena brings her experience as a speech and language therapist, working both in the NHS and private sector, along with insights from her academic research into her training courses. She has presented nationally and internationally, including the Division of Early Childhood International Conference (USA) and at the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) events.