Anne Healy

Anne Healy

Board Member and Chairperson of the Communications Standing Committee.

Anne Healy

Anne Healy is the Speech and Language therapist in charge 3 in Beaumont Hospital Dublin. She has over 25 years experience of working as a speech and language therapist in the Irish healthcare system, working across both Primary Care and Acute Care. Anne served for 3 years on the Speech and Language Therapy registration board with CORU from 2020 to 2023 and has been the SLT rep to the ENT side of the national surgical programme. Anne has been involved with the Irish Association of Speech and Language therapists for a number of years and has held various roles in the organisation, including Chairperson in 2014/2015. Anne rejoined IASLT board in 2023 and in January took over the role of the chairperson of the Communications Standing Committee.