IASLT Director and Board Member
Dr. Fiona Ryan is a speech and language therapy manager for primary care, older persons, CAMHS and adult intellectual disability services in Wexford. She graduated with a BSC in Clinical Speech and Language studies in 1994 and obtained her doctorate in 2018 from TCD.
Fiona has worked across primary care and disability services. She specialises in working collaboratively with children, adolescents and adults who stutter.
A graduate of the European Clinical Specialist Programme in Stuttering, her research interests include exploring a narrative approach to therapy. She has been involved in the PI Wellcome –Funded project: 'Metaphoric Stammers and Embodied Speakers': Connecting Clinical, Cultural and Creative Practice in the area of Dysfluent Speech. She has been a member of the S.I.G in stuttering committee since 1996 and worked on the development of the position paper Speech and Language Therapy - an Alliance with People who Stammer in Ireland’.