Survey Participation Required


This study is being organised by Dr Noreen O’Leary as part of her work at RCSI School of Population Health

You are being invited to take part in research study exploring speech and language therapy intervention provision for children attending Children’s Disability Network Teams (CDNT), led by Dr Noreen O’Leary at RCSI and co-researcher Dr Ciara O’Toole at UCC

Before you decide whether or not you wish to take part, you should read the information provided below carefully. Take time to ask questions – don’t feel rushed and don’t feel under pressure to make a quick decision.

You should clearly understand the risks and benefits of taking part in this study so that you can make a decision that is right for you. This process is known as ‘Informed Consent’.

You don't have to take part in this study. If you do decide to take part you can change your mind about taking part in the study any time you like.  Even if the study has started, you can still opt out.  You don't have to give us a reason. 


Participant Information Leaflet

Click here to Participate in the Survey